IEEEL Institute

Enhance your professional knowledge and get your certificate

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Director of IEEEL Institute


Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the website of IEEEL Institute (International Excellent Education for Excellent Life). This website is intended to provide information about training and certification programs. We are committed to support the development of human resources. IEEEL Institute started operating in 2020. We offered Prestigious Certification Programs that focusing on Strategic Human Capital Management, Business Operations & Strategic Self Development. We will add few more certifications in the future. -Let's Explore Our Website, Take Your Courses & Get Your Certification Degree !-

I hope the visitors find useful information in this website. Should you have any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,
Dr. Ir. Hendy Tannady, ST., MT., MM., MBA., Asean. Eng.

Our Alumni

Online Courses

Synchronous Courses

Our Teams

Why IEEEL Institute?

International Excellent Education for Excellent Life (IEEEL Institute) is the organization that concerns in development of human resource by build both hard and soft skill. We provide several training to professionals, entrepreneurs and students. We are certifying thousands people typically in Human Resource Management, Business Operations & Strategic Self Development.

IEEEL Institute is an authorized knowledge provider based in Singapore which officially provides the training to fill the need of high impact training for professionals. Our certification programs conducted through Synchronous (Zoom) & Asynchronous (Learning Management System). We started our operation in 2020. Our instructors and speakers are Practitioners, Industry Experts from credible industries and University Professors.


International Excellent Education for Excellent Life (IEEEL Institute) is the organization that concerns in development of human resource by build both hard and soft skill. We provide several training to professionals, entrepreneurs and students. We are certifying thousands people typically in Human Resource Management, Business Operations & Strategic Self Development.


IEEEL Institute’s mission is to provide total impactful knowledge to every people through Excellent Education.


AHU: 0169644.AH.01.11.
Year of 2020
NIB 0205010050987
NPWP: 96.158.313.5-416.000

Partnership with International Organization for Project Management:


Our Teams

Excellent Team Come From Excellent Individuals

Influential, Honest, Keen & Smart individuals that bring the fundamental to our great company. Here is where the positive impact begins.


Hendy Tannady

Managing Director & Trainer

Dr. Hendy Tannady started his career as a Production Planning Inventory Control (PPIC) in the peroxide gas manufacturing industry. Then he continued his professional career in the coal mineral mining industry. In 2010 he established a Market Research consulting office under the name of ST Research and has successfully handled clients in both the service and manufacturing industries spread across the business areas of education, cosmetic and beauty products and apparel. In 2010 he decided to enter the world of higher education while continuing to manage the business. Various projects, especially in the operations field, have been handled by Dr. Hendy. Currently he is Board of Reviewers of the National Research Grant of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Scopus indexed journal reviewer in five institutions spread across the United States, Japan, Montenegro, Serbia and India. He has written and published more than 150 articles in national and international journals and proceedings. 20 articles of which were published in Scopus indexed journals and proceedings. Dr. Hendy has also published 3 textbooks, namely "Quality Control", "Human Resource Management" and "Industrial Psychology" and 12 modules that focus on discussing Production Systems, Factory Layout Design, Quality Control, Operations Management, System Simulation and Statistics & Probability.


Assistant Director

Fennie, B.Lit., CBOA. completed her undergraduate studies in the Japanese Literature. She started her career as a Competitor Intelligence Analyst in one of biggest private university in South East Asia. She has more than 10 years of experience handling marketing, logistics and supply chain in the manufacturing industry which is specifically engaged in the production of refined sugar. She is Assistant Director at IEEEL Institute.

Henny Tannady Tan

Commissioner & Trainer

Dr. Henny Tannady Tan, Sp.PD., M.K.M., DPCP. completed her specialist in internal medicine from St Luke's Medical Center, Manila, Philippines and Universitas Andalas, Indonesia. Since 2009 Dr Henny has devoted her life to the development of the academic world, especially higher education while carrying out her profession as a doctor. Various training and special seminars in the medical and health fields have been held by Dr Henny. Her experience in managing a venture department at one of private university is playing an important role in the development of IEEEL Institute. Dr Henny is a Commissioner and Trainer at IEEEL Institute.

Total 12 Record